All Method Learning tutors are selected for their excellent academic qualifications, top test scores, and great teaching skills. All tutors complete our comprehensive tutor training program and reinforce their skills through regular professional development.
Private Tutoring For The ACT® and SAT® Tests
Standard Tutoring
Standard tutors are those who have been with Method Learning for up to two years. All tutors who join our team begin as Standard tutors after completing and excelling in our comprehensive training. They then must prove themselves by regularly helping their students achieve significant score increases and garnering positive feedback from students and parents. Our Standard tutors are perfect for students who begin with scores in the average range and want a personalized, targeted approach to their test prep.
Standard rate
Save $50
Save $150
Save $300
Save $500
Premier Tutoring
Premier tutors are those who have been with Method Learning for more than two years and who have accumulated thousands of hours of tutoring experience, helped hundreds of students achieve the largest score increases, and earned outstanding feedback on their work. They are the most in-demand tutors for those students who are especially high-or low-scoring, have highly disparate section scores, and/or desire to work with the tutors best able to deliver a highly tailored learning experience.
Premier rate
Save $50
Save $150
Save $300
Save $500
Score Increase
On average, our students increase their ACT scores by 3 points and their SAT scores by 150 points.
Methodize is Method Learning’s exclusive online learning platform. Students will work through detailed lessons, reinforcing what they learn through quizzes full of practice questions and video explanations. Full-length exams help students hone their stamina and test taking skills.
Tutor Match Guarantee
Method Learning’s priority is that you and your student are happy with your assigned tutor. If at any point you are not satisfied with your tutor’s performance and feel that a change is necessary, let us know, and we will make all efforts to pair you with another tutor who can better fit your needs. Note that the Tutor Match Guarantee is not a guarantee of results.